Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery Statement
This statement is made for and on behalf of the Qualis Group Limited (“Qualis”) and its subsidiaries (Qualis Commercial, Qualis Living, Qualis Property Solutions and Qualis Homes). Qualis Group Ltd is a private company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 12250938.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. The principles and terms within this document apply to Slavery and Human Trafficking measures within Qualis for the financial year starting 1 October 2022 and ending 30 September 2023.
Qualis Group
This statement has been prepared to cover the activities of Qualis Group and its subsidiaries.
As a responsible employer and business, and as an organisation dedicated to improving the lives of our residents and the communities we serve, Qualis is committed to doing everything we can to prevent slavery and human trafficking. This statement sets out how we deliver that commitment, understanding and mitigating the risks of slavery or human trafficking taking place within our business or supply chain, and demonstrating compliance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”).
Policies and procedures
Qualis has strategies, policies and procedures in place which help detect and prevent slavery and human trafficking. These cover our workforce, our supply chain and our residents as well as the wider communities we work with across London. They include:
- requirements for all new employees to provide original documents (such as a passport, work permits) before their start date to verify their legal right to work in the UK, and references.
- DBS checks (where applicable).
- strategies, policies and training on equality and diversity, modern slavery and safeguarding for all Qualis employees.
- all employees are required to adhere to undertake in-house learning and development through the LMS which includes training and provisions against bribery, and requirements in relation to workplace behaviour and equality and diversity.
- a whistleblowing policy which protects all board and committee members, employees, contractors, consultants and agency staff from negative repercussions if they make a report in good faith about an apparent breach of legislation or and requires that all such reports will be properly investigated and acted upon, as necessary.
- A requirement for all subcontractors providing labour to our development projects to have in place their own mechanisms to prevent and detect modern slavery.
An engaged workforce
Qualis regularly reviews its policies and practices to make sure they are compliant with legislation and in line with organisational needs and best practice. As Qualis is an organisation that is active in community work across Epping Forest District, the organisation is well placed to identify signs of slavery and human trafficking, and as such we place value on training all employees, to help them spot issues when going into homes and meeting residents and customers or when visiting our construction sites.
Line Managers are responsible for:
Engaging with their team to:
- Implement and maintain the processes and procedures; and
- Ensure that their people are aware of their responsibilities and complete appropriate training.
All employees are responsible for:
- Carrying out their work in line with this policy and associated procedures; and
- Applying our values and behaviours in everything they do.
- Raising any concerns they may have via the appropriate channels
Our supply chain
We have a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking and expect those we work with to have the same zero-tolerance attitude and approach, and we would never knowingly seek to work with any organisation whose approach or practices were found to be incompatible with our own.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery in our supply chains or in any part of our organisation. Our policies in relation to procurement, code of conduct, whistle blowing, safeguarding and health & safety and recruitment, all reflect our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chains.
We have a zero-tolerance approach and want to work with suppliers who share our values. To make sure our contractors and all those in our supply chain are aware of, and comply with, our values, we use a range of approaches including:
- pre-qualification questions to determine suitability of potential suppliers; and
- standard clauses in conditions of contract that specifically require legal compliance by suppliers
In relation to new suppliers, for any tenders for contracts above the PCR 2015, compliance with the Act has been included within the selection process. Any failure to meet this will lead to disqualification of the applicant. For contracts or agreements below the OJEU thresholds, clauses are included within the Group’s standard terms and conditions seeking assurance from suppliers that they comply.
Further help and advice:
UK Modern Slavery Adult Victim support providers:
- UK Government Modern Day Slavery Helpline on 0800 0121 700.
- Salvation Army confidential Helpline on 0300 303 8151
If someone wants to pass on information that could lead to the identification, discovery and recovery of victims in the UK, but wants to remain anonymous, ask them to contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
Approved by the Qualis Group Board and its subsidiaries and Signed by the Chair of the Qualis Group Ltd